Kris Sutcliffe & Amanda Roberts
Licensed Real Estate Professionals - Sales & Property Management

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My name is Kris Sutcliffe (I'm also known as kris with a 'K' Sutcliffe). I have worked in the real estate industry for ten years and in that time have gained great sales experience. Starting at Raine & Horne (otherwise known as R&H or Raine and Horne Caboolture / Morayfield), I did my completed a traineeship with the REIQ, gaining knowledge of real estate sales and property management, trust accounting, marketing, property appraisals and valuations. I later moved to Steve hay real estate where I worked for 7 years in residential sales, selling land, houses, investment properties, units, duplexes and commercial spaces, sheds, shops and businesses. We serviced the greater Moreton bay shire (previously the Caboolture shire) which included Morayfield, Caboolture, Caboolture South, upper Caboolture, Caboolture East, Morayfield East, Elimbah, Bellmere, Burpengary, wamuran, D'Aguilar and Woodford, meldale, rocksberg, beachmere, ningi, Toorbul and donnybrook, Narangba and further south to the Brisbane city. In 2013 Steve hay real estate took on the franchise name Lj hooker Caboolture Morayfield and moved into a private residence located on Morayfield road. Morayfield road is also home to R&W Caboolture Morayfield (R&W), professionals real estate, Moreton bay realty, tego real estate, John Staunton real estate, Marsellos pike real estate (Jenman run), elders real estate Morayfield, Remax, century 21 and prod nationwide to name a few.from there I shifted to help create now real estate Morayfield. We service South East Queensland, but mainly the Caboolture Morayfield area (where we are located). I am proud of our setup, out branding and our colours. We stand out from the crowd offering a point of difference to buyers, sellers, tenants and investors alike. We have a great team each salesperson having years of experience in real estate in our area.
Whilst won't yet cater for property management, we work closely with solutions property management at burpengary. The girls are great at what they do looking after all our investors and managed properties.
If you are buying, selling or considering, kris Sutcliffe offers free market appraisals / market opinions / valuations for tax, insurance and settlement purposes free of charge and with no obligation to sell.
Kris has a lot of happy clients who have written testimonials outlining their experience with him and now real estate. These can be viewed here, on the company website www.nowre.com.au, on www.krissutcliffe.com, www.realestate.com.au, www.domain.com.au, www.ratemyagent.com.au or in person.
Kris with a k Sutcliffe is a passionate person, who delivers great service to his clients. Call, text or email kris today to see for yourself.
Servicing postcodes 4504, 4505, 4506, 4510, 4514

We specialise in residential and acreage homes, units and land sales.
Click here to see our current listings on www.realestate.com.au
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Connect with
Kris & Amanda
Kris Sutcliffe:
0404 742 058
Amanda Roberts:
0437 338 665
Mail to:
Po Box 302, Wamuran Q 4512
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